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We Proudly Offer Supporting ICs

AATC provides not only buzzers, speakers and microphones, but also a wide range of power amplifiers. For detailed specs, please contact our team.

Below we recommend one of our most popular power amplifier: AMP-4205. AMP-4205 is a high efficiency, 3.3W mono class D audio power amplifier. It is a low noise, filterless PWM architecture which eliminates the output filter, reducing external component count and system design.

The AMP-4205 is designed to work with portable electronic devices, is a single 5.5 power supply and capable of driving a 4ohm speaker load at a continuous average output of 3.3W with 10% THD+N.

For more information, please contact our team. Thanks.




1F No. 207, Section 6, Zhongshan North Road, Shilin District Taipei City, 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-8866-5255
Fax: +886-2-8866-5250